Keeping muscles supple may seem obvious, but this is where things often go wrong. Stress is one of the many causes of muscle stiffness. This stress can be caused by big competitions, but also by wrong stabling or wrong feed. It can therefore be in the smallest things. Of course, massage is not only good for muscle stiffness, it is also used for muscle blockages as well as other stinging problems. The problems can arise in a competitions, but just as easily from incorrect rolling in the stable.
From muscle problems, other problems can arise, such as through compensation, but the problems can also move to other places in the body. Through massage, we can loosen the muscles and solve the problems.

At first glance, Osteopathy seems to be just manipulating bones, but it goes much further. Indirectly, it also affects organs, muscles, blood vessels and the nervous system. For example, a stuck joint can affect the liver, and also visaversa. Bone manipulation can be down to the smallest detail. Even the smallest bones can cause major problems.

This is a technique that originated originally from osteopathy. Craniosacral is a technique that is not just limited to treating the complaint itself, but goes further to treat the total essence.
The craniosacral system originates in the brain and runs between the spinal cord and the dura mater (the membrane surrounding the spinal cord). The system is protected by the bones of the skull and spine up to the sacrum. Within this system is the nervous system.
This system has a rhythm that can be felt all over the body. This rhythm can be compared to the movement of ebb and flow. We can think of it as the breathing of the nervous system.
The kinds of complaints we can treat with this are enormously varied. With this treatment, we stimulate the self-healing capacity. For stressed horses, this is also a great technique for regaining calm in the body.
A horse with an irregular craniosacral rhythm may experience several complaints;
Reduced performance
Reduced concentration
(Head shaking or air sucking)
Tension (physical and mental)

Shiatsu is an Eastern medicine that originated in China. It is a medicine that evolved from the combination of massage and acupuncture.
Meridians are networks of channels that run under the skin and connect with each other. These meridians contain energy, which they release to every cell in our body, muscles, bones and the nervous system. When stressed or ill, this energy flow can become blocked. By dissolving these blockages, the circulatory, lymphatic and nervous systems can be stimulated. This stimulation affects both the organs and the horse's self-healing ability.
It is a therapy you can use not only for a complaint, but also to give the horse a relaxation or maintenance session. Helps with;
self-healing ability,
strengthens immune system,
relaxes tired muscles and releases endorphins,
joint pain,
hormonal imbalances and
strengthens bond between owner and horse.